Sunday, June 28, 2009

John & Kate + 8 and Iran's Fate

Today I am trying to join bloggers all over to promote the cause of Iran. However, I am pretty sure most American’s know more about the state of John and Kate and their failing marriage than the real life events unfolding in Iran. Moreover, those who might have been lining up to protest at the Federal Building in Westwood are, I fear, being overshadowed by the mourners in Encino at the Jackson compound.

Is this a reflection of our bubble gum culture’s demise or our just general apathy about the global cause? Aren’t we the country’s whose roots and heritage come from revolution, overthrowing tyranny and establishing democracy? How did we get to the place where we care more about the stars of a reality show than democracy being thwarted by a tyrannical dictator who may or may not have nuclear weapons pointed at us?

Give me liberty or give me more reality TV shows?


Tracie and Ricky said...

it's too bad that California and most of the U.S. for that matter is still so superficial. I've never seen the Jon and Kate show, but I have seen them and their marriage issues in the news. Imagine that. Sad that Michael and reality TV takes precedents in the news. I'm thankful we get very little US pop culture here.. usually the news is the good stuff, the real stuff

Cafe Pasadena said...

We are not those revolutionaries of "1776". That's way in the past. We're a different people but living in the country they founded. The similarities between their virtues & ethics compared to ours...well, there's no comparison. We much more self-centered, concerned about our own lives & the crisis in them.

Anonymous said...

Thoughtful post.