Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Ring in Wednesday

Last night, for the first time in my life, I watched an entire episode of “American Idol.” Over the years, I had seen bits and pieces – enough to know I like Simon – but never from start to finish. I don’t think I will keep up with the show, maybe jump back in towards the end of the season simply because it involves too much TV watching. But as I watched last night, I could help but wonder (CB) – why do we love reality TV so much these days? Bringing me to my Ring in Wednesday question – “Why is reality TV so popular?”


Cafe Pasadena said...

If I knew The Answer to that question I wood probably bee richer than Simon Cowel!

Butt, just a couple of ideas:
it's a different kind of TV
gives us working stiffs more opportunities for our 15min of "fame"
we can relate to these people compared to celebrities.

Do you have a different theory?

I'm more interested in the question of why you watched an entire Amer Idol??

likenarnia said...

I know, cafe, watching an entire episode of american idol very likely robbed me of some brain cells.

but to answer my own question, i am not sure, i think it is cheaper for the networks to program, right? they don't have to pay very many paychecks, no writers (many, many editors, though) and they often run several nights per week. someone makes $ off the voting. but maybe it also has to do with the similar appeal of spectator sports -- we live vicariously through them in a way we don't with real TV.